lunes, 6 de julio de 2009


Hi, I tlak about the blogs.

My experience whit the blogs is good, beacause I feel that, I have improved the wording in English.
Also I think that with practice I have dramatically increased my vocabulary.

In my personal experience, the only thing bad about blogs is that as I write in English is a long time and I never could finish it in class and the only time you achieve it, the computer had a virus and so I had to reboot do everything from scratch. Not that writing was always reaching out of the class and was more complicated that I almost never had the time to devote.

I think some of the benefits of blogs to learn English, you are obliged to be constantly practicing and acquiring vocabulary. The downside may be the choice of topics to discuss, perhaps not the most entertaining and perhaps could be more political, to peer generate discussion in class, it would be interesting. Or maybe valued discussions on issues, I think it would also help the tolerant spirit of our university.

see you later

domingo, 5 de julio de 2009

My ideal Job

Hi, Today talk to my ideal job.

My ideal Job would be, a work in any ministry, or the Congress to advise any minister, deputy or a senator.
Also, I would like to work in any international organization like the ONU, OEA and UE.

I think, that I can to be these profesional activities, I will need more ability, as would be the leadership, tools of discourse analysis, know to negotiation, politics and perhaps manage a couple of languages.

I think that this work would be good for me, because that is one area where I can develop my spirit of public service, I can develop my desire to change things and fight for my dreams.

I think getting this job very difficult, because the most of today working in these positions are political parties or people in first class technicians to help make decisions for politics. But I think with the formation of my career, yours tools and especially the public and excellency of my university is not as difficult to achieve if I intend, I believe that with hard work and dedication anything can be.

My perfect job i this moment, in the mayority of cases are done by people of different militant parties and I think that this would be very good advice is to professionalize and contrac to political scientists of excellence and raise the level of the Chilean political and its decisions.

see you later.

jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

Pablo´s Blog

Hello everybody.

Today I write about the post the Pablo Simi. Pablo in your blog talks about education.
I agreement whit Pablo, when talk that the in Chile the education must are one preoccupation to society, because I think the education is the based to the construction of the future and the next generation. We have the obligation to the think of the future for our daughters. Also I think that young people have the obligation to the fight for that construction the best education because the education is a base the future society. If change the education, the future is ours.

In respect to the blog, I think the blog of Pablo is boring because don´t have funny colors. Also I change the font of letter and the title for that the blog are most entertaining. I considerate that in the blog of Pablo have comment very interesting, because I consider to Pablo, one great student and one person very intelligent.

viernes, 12 de junio de 2009


Hi classmate

I’m writing about the education.

Like Ted, I think that the education kill creativity, because, the education in its essence is limiting, therefore the education is a restrict the knowledge, this is because the education to base in a language and in this language each word has a special meaning.

This is because the education system is a very strict.

Also today education has a strong professional character, owing to the fact that we culture come a traditional history catholic and Christianity.

In Chile, the 2006, the student spar a social movement extraordinary. This movement which a clear objective, that was abolish the LOCE (law organic institutional education), but today this don’t implement, because politic ego not leaving any property.

Is for this that the students are set up a new social movement, for change the education system.
For this, the federation, gremial association, and other social actors, to organized a national meeting for the public and higher.

jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

my dream

Hi classmate.
Today I´m going to the dream.
I would do changes in the politics level. I dream with an education differentiated fee in the all sectors, therefore in the primary, secondary, and third education that will be from all persons, that don´t important you economical situation, not either your parents.
Also, I would do a economic intervention, where the state, such as principal agent in the economy, don´t only regulation, but rather one state to guarantee of need basic, for example health, education, house, security another needs.
Also I would do change the political system. I dream for a politic system where the democracy represents the center of the discussion of the Chilean. One politic system where is more participation of the all Chileans, with more pluralism, equality, justice, and solidarity.
I think that this changes, to cause a better life for each one of the citizens of Chile.
This changes would be that people of Chile live more happy, and without stress.

My dream

Hi classmate.
Today I´m going to the dream.
I would do changes in the politics level. I dream with an education differentiated fee in the all sectors, therefore in the primary, secondary, and third education that will be from all persons, that don´t important you economical situation, not either your parents.
Also, I would do a economic intervention, where the state, such as principal agent in the economy, don´t only regulation, but rather one state to guarantee of need basic, for example health, education, house, security another needs.
Also I would do change the political system. I dream for a politic system where the democracy represents the center of the discussion of the Chilean. One politic system where is more participation of the all Chileans, with more pluralism, equality, justice, and solidarity.
I think that this changes, to cause a better life for each one of the citizens of Chile.
This changes would be that people of Chile live more happy, and without stress.

lunes, 1 de junio de 2009

My best friend are Karla and Cristian.

Hi Everybody

My best friend are Karla and Cristian.
Karla is my classmate of the university and with Cristian we meet in the High school in 1995.

to Cristian I meet it 15 years ago, from first basic and Karla I meet 3 years ago.

With Karla, we have in common the study for carrier public management, also we like the Sciences politics and we like spoke about politics.
With Cristian, we have in common the 12 years of school, in the San Viator School, in this school we shared the many friends, many adventure and histories. With Cristian also we shared the fanaticism for the soccer. Cristian was fanaticism the Univeridad catolica and I fanaticism for the Colo-colo.

The diference between Cristian and all is that he is a cheerful men and I can trust anything or ask form advice always that I need.
And the thing that makes diferent to Karla is that she is a Clever and sincere person.

with cristian i play soccer and watch english soccer.
with Karla i study to pass my exams and work togheter in ceap, also the weekends we going to partys togheter

with Cristian when we were child playing soccer one of us maked an fault and no one want loose so we fight and leave to see us for more than a month.

in the celebration of the 19 years old of Cristian I invited him to one "Coffee with legs", we were so shy so all that we do was see the girls of the place.

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009

My favorite web site, is because is a web site where I can download the music that I like, also this page has the best and new albums of my favorites artists.

I descovered it, when a friend send me the link of the page. Previously I was looking some else pages but I don't like it so much realy.

I visit it once or twice a month, but if I have more time I visit it more often.

This page is special for me because it gives me the information, that I need about the music and the artists that I prefer hear. Also I see the last videos and I can listen the last singles of their albums. In spite of this I would like have more time for enjoy my favorite web site.

Apart of this site I enjoy cars sites, where I can look new models and I can see the price of those. Its so interesting! Sometimes I watch races in

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009

Really I´dont listen the English music.
I don’t like the lyrics in English because I feel that this music doesn’t represent me. I think that music in English represents the other culture and I’m feeling far off this culture.
But to do my work I choose the song that I like because is this song of a movie that I like.
This song is a “Miles lyrics” of “Vanessa Carlton” that is the sound track this “Fast and Furious”.
This song I don’t understand the lyrics, but I remember the scene this movie I like me very much because I love it the cars, the race. In general I love it the cars and yours equipment the hi•fi systems, wheel, the paint and in special the motors.
Too in this movie I like the woman and actors. Really I think that movie is very bad in the script, because is very simple and basic. But the scenes are very fantastic in special the race.
The first time that I hear was when watch the movie.

The song is:

Makin' my way downtown,
Walkin' fast,
Faces pass and I'm homebound.

Starin' blankly ahead,
Just makin' my way,
Makin' a way through the crowd.

And I need you,
And I miss you,
And now I wonder...

If I could fall into the sky,
Do you think time
would pass me by?
'Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles
If I could just see you...

It's always times like these
When I think of you,
And wonder if you ever think of me.

'Cause everything's so wrong
And I don't belong.
Livin' in your precious memory.

'Cause I need you,
And I miss you,
And now I wonder...

If I could fall into the sky,
Do you think time
would pass me by?
'Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles
If I could just see you...

I, I, don't wanna let you know
I, I, drown in your memory.
I, I, don't wanna let this go.
I, I, don't.

Makin' my way downtown,
Walkin' fast,
Faces pass and I'm homebound.

Starin' blankly ahead,
Just makin' my way,
Makin' a way through the crowd.

And I still need you,
And I still miss you,
And now I wonder...

If I could fall into the sky,
Do you think time
Would pass.. us by?
'Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles
If I could just see you...

oh oh

If I could fall into the sky,
Do you think time would pass me by?
'Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles
If I could just see you.

If I could just hold you....

jueves, 30 de abril de 2009

My Favourite piece of technology

My Favourite piece of technology is my car. I Have my car since one year. My father bought it for me, in the summer of 2008.

I used weekends for go to politic meeting, go to the play soccer, go to the party and other activities. But I have a problem with the used of the car, because the gasoline is very expensive for a university student. But the weekends, I meet whit some friends and pay the gasoline for the go to the party. Anyway in my university don’t have parking and in the centre there is a lot traffic.

I like my car because it a allow me go to all places and give me liberty and autonomy.

My life without my car would be more dependence that now. I difficult me go to the meetings and parties because I don’t have autonomy and gift for go were a want to go.

jueves, 23 de abril de 2009

My carrier

Hi to all who visit my blog:

-Why are you studying this career?
I`m Studying this carrier because I like political science, I like topic this science deal with relation of the power, negotiation, election analysis and other topics that include the political science.

I like the science political because I think that this discipline is very interesting to the future of country, this discipline was a discipline that will give the answer to the future in the construction of the society with more justice, solidarity and equal opportunities.

- What do professionals in your area contribute to society?
I think that my area contribute to society is in the area the political, in actions that get a best political, to foment the democracy and participate.
- What tools will a professional in your area need to have in the future?
In my carrier, the professional develop tools as; resolution conflict, negotiation, design public policies, implement to public policies, think to problem the state, advise to important politics, analysis public environment, sadistic analysis, develop of the diplomacy.
- What is your favorite subject?
My favorite subject is the Politic Science, international relations.

sábado, 18 de abril de 2009

Public Managment Champion

In this Photo, can you looking at my soccer team.

In this day, my team "publikeishon" got a championship of the second division, of the tournament the University.

In this match, we won 1-0 to engineering team and I was expelled to twenty minutes, because I kicked the rival.

I like this photo, because remember me a day very happy. Remember me the day in that felt to be the best.

The photo was taken the Saturday 22 October, in "Antumapu".

This day the "publikeishon team", gave a class of soccer, united, feeling and fight.

I think that "publikesishon" is more that, a family, a group of friends, a group of sportsmen, a group of classmate of the career, the "publikeishon" is a feeling".

I want that this year, "publikeishon" win again the tournament, but this year in the first division.

I like play soccer in "publikeishon" because each match is a challenge.

We play each match like one final and convert the field in one battlefield.

jueves, 9 de abril de 2009


My name is Cristobal Lasgos Gonzalez, and I´M 20 Years old.

In the actually, I´m student to Public Managment at University of Chile.

I like girls, music, soccer and politics.

I´m take part in Nueva Izquierda. The nueva izquierda is political group that lead FECH, that historically is the federation most important the of country.

In my free time, I play soccer, in the selection of the Goverment school, all saturday.

In his semester, I expected lern English and to get ready for exchange to Europ for know other countries and culture.